A 10 Arrows Charitable Events Combinator Event

Book Signing

Join FCRC and its special guest Martin Pengelly for our very own book signing of Brotherhood: When West Point Rugby Went to War

Meet the Man Himself: Martin Pengelly

Martin Pengelly, best know for his time with The Guardian and The Daily Beast publications will be here to discuss and sign his book- Brotherhood: When West Point Rugby Went to War. Join us as we get a first hand account on the writing of the book and some behind-the-scenes with the author himself.

  • Where

    Bookmark, Neptune Beach Florida

  • When

    October 11th, 2024 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

  • Tickets

    Tickets are free but we ask you RSVP below to ensure there is space.

Space is Limited

While we want to share the amazing writing of Mr.Pengelly with everyone, Bookmark is only so big. To make sure we can keep expectations manageable we ask you RSVP below as to ensure there is space for everyone. We don’t want anyone to miss out on hearing straight from the source all the wonderful details of Brotherhood: When West Point Rugby Went to War. Curious about it sooner? See below for more details about both the book and the Author

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The Book

“We’re better off for having these men among us.”—Wall Street Journal

Before 9/11, the rugby team at West Point learned to bond on a sports field. This is what happened when those 15 young men became leaders in war.

Filled with drama, tragedy, and personal transformations, this is the story of a unique brotherhood. It is a story of American rugby and a story of the U. S. Army created through intimate portraits of men shaped by West Point’s motto: “Duty, Honor, Country.”

Some of the players deployed to Afganistan and Iraq, some to Europe. Some became infantry, others became fliers. Some saw action, some did not. One gave his life on a street in Baghdad when his convoy was hit with an IED. Two died away from the battlefield but no less tragically.

Journalist Martin Pengelly, a former rugby player himself, was given extraordinary access to tell this story, a story of a brutal sport and even more brutal warfare.

Praise for Brotherhood

“Weaves together multiple in-depth biographies to form a highly readable account of who these men were, where they came from, how they played the game and how they fought the longest war in U.S. military history….We’re better off for having these men among us.”
Wall Street Journal

The Author

Martin Pengelly, born on April 15, 1980, in Manchester, England, is a seasoned journalist renowned for his insightful reporting and keen analysis of contemporary issues. Raised in a household that fostered a deep appreciation for literature and critical thinking, Pengelly developed an early passion for storytelling and the power of words. His academic journey led him to pursue a degree in journalism at the University of Manchester, where he honed his skills in investigative reporting and narrative journalism.

After graduating, Pengelly embarked on a dynamic career that took him across the globe, from the bustling streets of London to the vibrant cultural landscape of New York City. His tenure as a journalist has been marked by a commitment to uncovering the truth and holding power accountable. Whether covering political upheavals, societal transformations, or human interest stories, Pengelly’s writing is characterized by its clarity, depth, and empathy.

In his professional trajectory, Pengelly has contributed to several prominent publications, including national newspapers and respected magazines. His work has earned him recognition for its nuanced perspective and ability to capture the complexities of modern-day challenges. Beyond his role as a journalist, Pengelly is also an advocate for media literacy and ethical journalism practices, often participating in discussions aimed at fostering a more informed and responsible media landscape.

Outside of journalism, Pengelly enjoys exploring diverse cultures, delving into literature, and spending quality time with his family. His dedication to storytelling as a means of fostering understanding and dialogue continues to shape his career and influence the next generation of journalists. As he looks to the future, Pengelly remains committed to pursuing stories that resonate with authenticity and contribute to a broader understanding of the world we inhabit.